It's 8 o'clock Somewhere

So here I am with a blog I hardly know what to do with. A first post is always a little nerve-wracking. I feel like I'm stepping out onto a stage with a bright spotlight blinding me from seeing the crowd. And that's the jist, you, whoever you are reading this right now, I can't see you. But perhaps that lets me be a little more free.

For instance, while I wouldn't be flashing this comic about publicly, I'm willing to post it on my blog.

Here are ten or so pages of a short comic I did
for 24 Hours Comic Day. An event, for me, that turned into a 14 hours comic day with fourteen or so pages.

And oh, yes, the title? Well, let's leave that one to the imagination...


  1. AppleJelly said...

    hhaha. your comic is simple yet i don't know- it's cute.  

  2. Kiriska said...

    It's not necessarily true; it doesn't have to be on the dot. It could be 8:24.

    Where are the rest of the pages! You've only posted eight and a cover. But this has reminded me to bring my stuff to class today so I can show you.

    I don't really know what to do with my blog either, but I've got enough other journalthings to make up for it, I suppose.  

  3. sujen said...

    It's beautiful.
    I really love the evolution of the rotting dear head, and how random the pickup was! LOL--it was all like..deerhead! But Hamlet was never really in the right state of mind either so. I have a feeling Mr. Thompson would love this!
    Though I want the rest of the pages, I kinda like where you ended it--something I really wouldn't have suspected happening!

    And yeah..I feel pretty naked too on my blog. XD Like a stripper.  


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