Well um, here I am, still in Berlin. I think I’ve finally figured this city out. It’s not one I’d like to tour so much as I’d like to live in. Does that make any sense? I think so.

I love how it’s flat here and bicycles have their own lane on the sidewalk, and that everybody rides them. There are so many trees and pockets of greenery here, it doesn’t feel like an over-urbanized city. Also, the public transportation is just amazing and clean. And the subways are painfully simple.

However, the city is an empty one. For being so big, there is a decided lack of energy, especially anywhere outside the main touristed areas. My prof called it a city of ghosts, and I’d have to agree. The few old buildings left are usually scarred by bullet holes and stray shrapenal.

So far we’ve toured only old stuff. Today we finally made it past the ancients and looked at medieval and northern paintings up until the 17th century. Eh. I was hungry and my feet hurt through most of it. Although the Rubens collection was nice.

Go to my flickr account to see the photos, there are way too many to post here:



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